Jan 22, 2013

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Well, the deed is done.  Big O has been sworn in and officially begins his second term today.  He made a relatively unremarkable inaugural address, and the Republicansare crying foul.  Shocking.  It’s a little bit backhanded to criticize the guy who you’ve labeled as the most divisive President ever for failing to reach out to his political opponents.

Speaking of failing to reach out, Mitt Romney refused an invitation to attend the inaugural ball (I probably would have too if I had his money -- he can stage is own inaugural ball and only invite people who didn't just kick his ass in a national election).  Besides, the joke’s on Obama – not only was Beyonce lip-syncing, but Yo Yo Ma wasn’t even playing that cello.  And apparently Justice Alito wasn’t too thrilled by the whole affair, either.

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